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Thursday, September 6, 2012

We read How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World.  This book was a great transition from fiction to non-fiction!
In the story, the main character wants to make an apple pie, but the market is closed. She travels the world finding the ingredients to make her pie.We put pictures of the ingredients on the places where she found them in the book, and tracked the main character's journey. We also added a picture of where we live to the map.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Our first narrative writing assessment

Today, the students are writing about Cinderella.  Look below at the rubric we created:

Yes   No
My story has a beginning.
Yes   No
My story has a middle.
Yes   No
My story has an ending.
Yes   No
I have characters in my story.
Yes   No
My story has a setting.
Yes   No
The beginning of my sentences and names have capital letters, and all the other letters are lowercase.
Yes   No
My words have spaces between them.
Yes   No
I have punctuation at the end of all my sentences.

This is the end of our Wizard of Oz/ Fairy tale unit. How sad!!!  I am looking forward to our informational unit about maps, land forms, and water cycles next!